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2024 Research Needs Document: Computer-Aided Design and Test
Semiconductor Research Corp. (SRC)
Research Triangle Park, NC 27703



Table 1.1 list such topics with the expectation that proponents will address corresponding challenges in those areas and articulate how their proposed research may advance the state of the art in terms of quantitative holistic critical metric goals for the proposed project(s). The proposals should include justifications and benchmarks of the proposed approaches based on theoretical, modeling, and or experimental evidence. Researchers are encouraged to refer to the sections of the MAPT Roadmap listed in Table 1.1 to understand the relevance of the research topic to industry.  Proposals on other research topics beyond those listed in Table 1.1 but addressing challenges identified in the MAPT roadmap section 4.3 and in Table 1.2 are also considered as part of this solicitation.  


Table 1.1

Area of Interest

Research Topic

MAPT Roadmap Oct 2023 ed. Reference Sections

Functional Safety Tools and Techniques

F1. Safe System

Section 1.3 - ADAS and Safety

F2. Data Mining and Failure Prediction

Table 9.2 - Design-for-test

F3. Design for Functional Safety

Section 1.3  - ADAS and Safety

System, Logics and Physical Design Tools

S1. System Tools

Table 9.2   - Design Automation

Section 7.2 - Chip Architecture and Codesign

S2. Tools for Design Robustness

Section 7.2  - Test and Reliability

S3. Analog Tools

Table 9.2   - Analog Design, Mixed-signal Design

Test, Yield and Post-Silicon Validation

T1. Test of Machine Learning Systems

Chapter 9 - Key shifts for the expansion of design automation tools 

T2. Test Cost Quality and Yield Improvement

Table 9.2  - Design-for-manufacturing

T3. High Level Test, Validation, Diagnosis and Repair

Chapter 2 - High-reliability Hardware Security


V1. Verification for Machine-Learning Systems

Table 9.2  - Automated AI/ML Synthesis

V2. Machine Learning Techniques for Verification

Table 9.2  - Design Automation

V3. System-Level Verification

Table 9.2  - Functional Verification

Table 5.1   - Digital Twins for verification and design automation

New Frontier for Scalable, Correctness-Assured Hardware Design

N1. Raise Level of Abstraction in HW design as a continuation of SW development

Section 7.8 - ML for Model Abstraction



Table 1.2

Area of Interest

Research Topic

MAPT Roadmap Oct 2023 ed. Reference Sections

New Frontier for Scalable, Correctness-Assured Hardware Design

N2. Design Implementation through Trusted Complier/Behavior Synthesis Transformations

Language and framework for constructing reusable and composable design transformations, amenable to formal reasoning, for designers and by designers; Formal techniques for full verification of transformations and for ensuring correctness in composition of transformations; Formal techniques to enable separation-of-concerns in design, including data abstraction and refinement, functional abstraction and refinement, and algorithmic optimization.

N3. Provably Correct Design Construction

Solutions for constructing a system from components to ensure that the functional correctness of each component guarantees the functional correctness of the system; Formal techniques for specifying and verifying the functional correctness of components, and for specifying the functional correctness of a system and ensuring the correctness of its construction from components by verifying individual integration steps.

N4. Verification as an integral part of Design Evolution

Techniques for capturing and verifying design evolution steps to avoid end-to-end verification complexity; Techniques to enable functionally correct design exploration with trusted components and sound composition rules; Verification accessible to designers (understandable and controllable).

Direct links to the chapters in MAPT Roadmap, associated with CADT solicitation, are listed below for references.

Chapter 1: https://srcmapt.org/chapter1/  
Chapter 5: https://srcmapt.org/chapter5/
Chapter 7: https://srcmapt.org/chapter7/
Chapter 9: https://srcmapt.org/chapter9/
