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Member Resources for SRC Researchers
SRC has collected information members provide for the academic community, including education, design, and prototyping. SRC researchers and students are encouraged to take advantage of these resources in their research and education activities. Aligning your research scope to the company's interests and emerging technologies would be of mutual interest to academia and industry.
Analog Devices
ARM's Community of Practice
- Edu Labs for education enablement in computer engineeering and informatics
- SoC Labs for research enablement in SoC design and development
Specific tutorial and curriculum for universities include:
- Intel Academic Compute Resource Environment (ACE)
- Intel Academic Program for oneAPI
- Intel Open Data Center Diagnostic Project
Texas Instruments University Program
Specific tutorial and curriculum for universities include:
- TI Experimental Power Electronics Reference and Curriculum
- TI Precision Labs
- TI Robotics System Learning Kit
- TI University Program